Through its information-blocking regulations, ONC has implemented certain provisions of the 21st Century Cures Act that will advance interoperability and support the access, exchange, and use of electronic health information. The information blocking regulations also provide for a process for the public to submit reports on claims of information blocking as well as confidentiality protections to encourage and facilitate the reporting of information blocking. This session will discuss insights from three data sources, each of which reflects individuals’ or organizations’ perceptions of information blocking: a national survey of Health information exchange organizations (HIEs/HIOs), a national survey of hospitals, and ONC’s publicly released information blocking ‘Quick Stat’ data. Presenters will discuss how the information and perspectives expressed in these data reflect trends related to perceived information blocking in the healthcare delivery system. Presenters will also explore the additional questions these data raise related to the prevalence and character of practices that individuals or organizations report as constituting information blocking.