Empowering Patients with Access to Their Medical Records through Nationwide Networks—Uncovering Successes and Barriers
Session Type
Breakout Session
Room Name
Date & Time
Tuesday, October 15, 2024, 1:15 PM - 2:00 PM
1:15 PM - 2:00 PM
Enabling patients to have one-stop, self-service access to complete medical records has been a longstanding goal of the government. Still, it has proved difficult to achieve in the depth initially conceived in the Cures Act. While advancements have been made through third-party applications or EHR portals, patients’ access and control of their complete medical records and data remains a watered-down reality of what patient's desire – and critically need. Stakeholders from personal health apps, national and state exchange networks, and patient identification vendors will share recent successes in patient access deployments and provide discussion and collaboration opportunities to identify what’s needed to advance individual access and achieve the original vision of patient access.
Session Objectives
1. Discuss various aspects and statuses of patient access across regulatory frameworks and national networks, such as the Cures Act and TEFCA.
2. Explore different approaches taken by partnerships, including vendors and state-based infrastructure networks, to further patient access.
3. Present recent and unique projects:
• Showcase deployments undertaken by presenters to advance patient access.
• Discuss lessons learned, successes, and challenges experienced by entities working to realize comprehensive patient access in a complex national and state ecosystem.
4. Facilitate discussion and collaboration:
• Provide opportunities for frank discussion and collaboration with Civitas audience and presenters.
• Share perspectives on the current availability and extent of patient access.
• Identify barriers to increased adoption of patient record requests through state-based and national networks.
5. Discuss future trajectories and collaboration needs:
• Highlight the role of federal and state influencers in enhancing policy levers for increased adoption and advancement of patient access.
• Overview of the intersecting technology vendors needed to make patient access a reality while ensuring patient safety and security, including third-party applications, personal health applications, and patient identification vendors.
• Clarify the current role of state-based and national exchange networks in ensuring equitable access to medical records for patients in every state.
• Identify additional key stakeholders necessary to close the gap in patient access to medical records and achieve an easily accessible and understandable complete medical record in one place, including EHR systems and pharmacy systems.
Speaker Name
Glenn Keet
Speaker Credentials
B.S., B.A.Sc.
Speaker Title
General Manager, HIE
Speaker Organization
Selfiie Corp.
Speaker 2 Name
A. John Blair III
Speaker 2 Credentials
Speaker 2 Title
Speaker 2 Organization
MedAllies, Inc.
Speaker 3 Name
Jenn Searls
Speaker 3 Credentials
Speaker 3 Title
Executive Director
Speaker 3 Organization
Speaker 4 Name
Marcos Domiciano
Speaker 4 Title
Senior Director, Healthcare Business Development
Speaker 4 Organization